Today after reading so many comments online about how people were never going to Wal-Mart again or how they don't go to the movies or how they've just stopped enjoying their lives in general due to terrorism, I felt moved to write this essay.
It is only my opinion, but I strongly feel that if you change the way you live your life, if you eschew things you've always found enjoyable, if you hunker down at home, then you've let these mass shooter punks win.
This isn't a debate about false flags or government ops or patsies. It's about how we live. You can still be a prepper and go to concerts or travel someplace exotic. If you opt to still live your life, it doesn't mean that you're unprepared.
In fact, I think now of all times, it's extra important to do so because we can't let these shooters and terrorists imprison us. I refuse. I am still going.