This Week's Agricultural Fairs
 Dates/Times: August 24-27, 2023
Location: 77 Fairview Ave Dover-Foxcroft, Maine 04426
Description: Agricultural exhibits, milking parlor, home made ice cream, crafts, midway, mechanical pulling, demo derbies, animal pulling and stage shows.
Major Events: Truck and tractor pulls, livestock shows and events, milking demonstrations.
Fair Website:
For more information contact: Rusty Weymouth - 694-0192
 Dates/Times: August 24-27, 2023
Location: Fairgrounds - Acton, ME
Description: Outstanding exhibits, 4-H, livestock exhibit, flower show, animal pull events, midway.
Major Events: Livestock shows and exhibits, exhibition halls, parade, car show.
Fair Website:
For more information contact: [email protected]
 Dates/Times: August 26 & 27, 2023
Location: Pembroke Trotting Park, Pembroke, ME
Description: The Washington County Fair offers family friendly fun for the whole community.
Major Events: Horticultural displays, crafts, 4-H, livestock exhibit, stage shows and kids games. Harness racing exhibition.
Fair Website:
For more Maine Agricultural Fairs visit: