We are pleased to announce that Chayah group are now running the Edwards lane community centre. It officially opened on 17th June and the event was well attended by local residents and councillors. There are regular activities held for the community for all ages.
We had our Day of action on the 6th July this year. It was a full day event and the school children of Seely Primary school actively participated in the litter pick, and they did a great job! There were deep cleans undertaken, fire and safety checks at targeted properties, a community play session delivered by the Toy library and community engagement through street stalls outside the Co-op
Once again the Jelly Fish Theatre had their Jungle book show at Woodthorpe park for all! It was well attended and there were lots of free activities and stalls with information for the community. A community event enjoyed by all! We really look forward to hosting them again next year.
Over 70 resurfacing schemes have been completed so far across the city.
In 2021, the council successfully bid as part of a competitive process for money from the Government’s Levelling Up fund to improve streets and local town centres, and make walking and cycling easier and safer.
Nottingham City Council has approved £11million of improvements to make our neighbourhoods greener, safer, better places to get around.
We are also setting money aside for tree work and bin replacements. You can find out more by visiting the streets for people website.
Drop-in surgeries with your local Councillors take place regularly - why not come along to ask a question or share an idea on how to make Sherwood a better place to live.
Sherwood Community Centre - 1st Tuesday of the month - 7pm - 7.30pm
Street Surgery, outside Sherwood Co-op - 3rd Saturday of the month 10.30am -11.30am
You can also call or email your Councillors:
Find a session near you by visiting https://www.asklion.co.uk/funandfood
All sessions offer a warm welcome, entertaining outdoor activities and lots of fun! Please note: Places are limited and must be booked in advance. Every Holiday Activity Club listed on the website above will provide their contact details for you to book a place.
Not eligible for Free School Meals?
You can still visit the website above to find and book sessions near you. Some extra places will be available on a first-come- first served basis.
Our Help & Support email gives you advice, tips and information on money, debts, energy bills, food banks and much more.
For all the latest news from Nottingham City Council visit our website: www.mynottinghamnews.co.uk
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