After Destroying Lebanon, Iran-controlled Hezbollah Threatens War with Israel
by Bassam Tawil • August 21, 2023 at 5:00 am
Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of the Hezbollah, the terror group backed by Iran, recently threatened to send Israel back to the Stone Age if it were to go to war with Lebanon -- meaning defend itself against an Iranian-Lebanese attack.
While Nasrallah's threat to destroy Israel is not new, he surely knows a thing or two about sending countries back to the Stone Age. His Iran-backed group, which functions as a state-within-a-state in Lebanon, is responsible for turning the Arab country into a failed state.
Two days after Nasrallah made his latest threat against Israel, Lebanon witnessed widespread blackouts, forcing Beirut Airport to run on electric generators.
"On the other side of the spectrum is the understanding that Lebanon was coerced into collapse by Hezbollah and its regional broker, Iran." -- -- Fadi Nassar, assistant professor in political science and international affairs, Lebanese American University; Saleh El Machnouk, lecturer in political science, Saint-Joseph University, Beirut;, March 24, 2023
"Lebanon has been hit by a debilitating new wave of hyperinflation, the imposition of its judiciary over the local investigation into the Port of Beirut blast, and a European investigation into the Central Bank." -- Fadi Nassar, assistant professor in political science and international affairs, Lebanese American University; Saleh El Machnouk, lecturer in political science, Saint-Joseph University, Beirut;, March 24, 2023
"Hezbollah and [former Lebanese president Michel] Aoun have destroyed everything that made Lebanon great. The Arab world's banking capital is bankrupt. Tourists don't frequent destabilized states run by terrorists. Former regional partners refuse to have anything to do with us. Our celebrated culture is trampled underfoot by barbarian theocrats. Beirut no longer has a viable port." -- Baria Alamuddin, award-winning Lebanese journalist and broadcaster,, September 27, 2020
Since the explosion at the Port of Beirut [which killed more than 200 people, injured thousands more, and displaced half of Lebanon's capital city], Hezbollah has been trying to obstruct the investigation into the incident by the Lebanese authorities.
"All indications, signs, and collected evidence of weapons and explosives, prove beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Hezbollah, backed by the mullahs in Iran, have turned Lebanon into a massive arms and explosives warehouse." -- Mohammed al Shaikh, Saudi political analyst,, September 29, 2020
"Hezbollah's militia, as was publicly and boldly recognized by its Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, is trying to convert Lebanon into an Iranian mullah's province, from which he receives his arms and all the funds and equipment he requires. Hence, the crimes committed by Hezbollah, including the Beirut explosion, are in fact an extension of Tehran's orders. Although they cannot be publicly vocal about it, all the Lebanese hold Hezbollah responsible for the port bombing. People know that if they do express their opinion, physical liquidation awaits them...." -- Mohammed al Shaikh, Saudi political analyst,, September 29, 2020
Nasrallah and his masters in Iran care nothing about the suffering of the Lebanese people. What they care about is power, spreading their control to other Arab countries, and fulfilling their ambition to destroy the only successful and democratic country in the Middle East: Israel. Besides Lebanon, Iran's terror proxies have also wreaked havoc in Syria, Yemen and Iraq. How ironic that Nasrallah, the terrorist leader who has decimated his own country, is now, with the backing of Iran, threatening to take another state back to the Stone Age.

Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of the Hezbollah terror group, recently threatened to send Israel back "to the Stone Age" if it goes to war with Lebanon -- meaning defend itself against an Iranian-Lebanese attack:
"Today, I can present evidence, when I say to the [Israeli] enemy: You, too, will return to the Stone Age. The civilian airports, the military airports, the Air Force bases, the power plants and electricity distribution grid, the water plants, the main communication centers, various infrastructure – there is no need to go into detail. The oil, petrol, and ammonium nitrate plants. You can also add Dimona [nuclear] plant. All of these are located in a small territory [Israel]. If the fighting expands to the entire resistance axis, nothing will be left of Israel."