Hi there --
We say all the time that electing a Democratic president in 2020 won't be enough to get our democracy in a good place -- we also need to give that president governing partners in state and local offices across the country.
But it's one thing for us to believe this. It's another for the Democratic nominee to pledge to use their power to support candidates down the ballot. Which is exactly what we, along with a whole bunch of our friends, are asking the candidates to do.
We've reached out to every one of the Democratic 2020 candidates and asked them to take our 2020 down-ballot pledge. Nearly a dozen already have. Check out the full text of the pledge below, then learn more here.
“As the Democratic nominee and as leader of the Democratic Party, I pledge to support down-ballot candidates in all 50 states, invest in long-term infrastructure, and recruit candidates that reflect the changing face of America, especially young people, women, and people of color. I can’t govern alone -- I need more progressive partners at every level of government in all 50 states.”
We're proud of the work that we're doing, and we're so glad that the people who want to lead our country are stepping up to say that down-ballot races matter.
Let's go!
Amanda Litman
Run for Something