#UnitedAgainstThe Tories #ToriesOut

Assemble 12pm, Oxford Rd (Near Manchester Museum)

+ a programme of great events for the duration of the conference from Saturday 30/9/23 to Tue 2/10/23



The Tories have the audacity to return to Manchester in October for their annual conference. It's crucial we collectively come together en-masse to give them the biggest, boldest and loudest unwelcome! This vile, vicious and corrupt government cannot be allowed to attend their conference without opposition. Their programme of ideological and unnecessary austerity, privatisation, profiteering, deregulation, attacks on our democratic rights to protest and organise at work (and so much more) must be resisted.

It's crucial we fight back, resist the transfer of wealth to the very rich they and crush all attempts to weaken and demoralise us as a class. History tells us that when ordinary working class people come together on the issues we agree on, get organised and collectively fight back in big numbers, we force our governments to meet our political demands.. Achieving the right to vote, trade union rights, our welfare state and NHS, abolishing slavery (and more) were all achieved despite massive opposition and against huge odds. Our ancestors refused to give up, so we must refuse to be discouraged and continue our fight for the better, fairer world we deserve. 

First we get rid of the Tories. Then we look at next steps and strongly hold to account any subsequent government that does not act in our interests. 

SO, JOIN US TO PROTEST THE TORY PARTY CONFERENCE IN MANCHESTER on Sunday 1st October (the conference begins that day)..The march will assemble outside Manchester Museum at noon. From there, we’ll head up Oxford road, we'll stop next to the conference to make lots of noise and call with a united voice to kick the Tories out once and for all.  We'll then march on to Castlefield Bowl for a rally with powerful speeches from a range of key figures from the trade union and campaign movement.

We're also holding a fantastic 'Festival of Resistance' in Manchester City Centre across the entire weekend of the Tory Conference. This will begin from Saturday morning (30/9/23) till Tuesday eve (2/10/23), and will include a series of events with passionate speakers, captivating performances, and renowned musical artists. Don’t miss our launch extravaganza in The Mechanics Institute on the Saturday evening, featuring an introduction to the weekend’s events with a number of special guests. 

More information will follow... So check out our latest newsletters when they land in your inbox and see our website for updates and blog posts. 

Coaches To The Demonstration - People’s Assembly groups across the country are organising transport to our Demonstration. Details of coaches can be
found here. This will be regularly updated. Also, find your nearest People's Assembly group to book a space on a coach today. Places are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment.

Please contact us if you can organise a coach to the Demonstration. Email us on: [email protected]

Can your union branch, union region, trades council, campaign or CLP support and promote the demonstration? See our model motion here. Please email us on [email protected] if support is agreed. 

The National Demonstration demands include:

- Tories Out
- End the Cost-of-Living Crisis
- Cut Profits, Increase Wages
- Tax the Rich
- Fund Social Care & Social Security
- Nationalise Energy, Water, Mail and Rail
- Refugees Welcome
- Stop Racist Scapegoating
- Scrap Anti-Union and Anti -protest Laws
- Climate Justice Now - No New Fossil Fuel Contracts
- End the Housing Crisis - Build Council Homes
- Defend the NHS & Public Services
- End Privatisation



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#UnitedAgainstThe Tories



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