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Weekend Edition, August 19-20, 2023


NATO Has Become an Enemy of Peace and Security Around the World

David Stockman

The Only ‘National Defense’ Needed in This Country, Is Defense Against the Real Enemy: The Ruling Class and the U.S. Government

Gary D. Barnett

A Bumpy Ride

James Howard Kunstler

Washington’s Afghanistan Debacle Is Prelude to NATO’s Ultimate Disaster in Ukraine

Strategic Culture

De-Gamify the Earth

Caitlin Johnstone

GOP Demands Biden Emails Using Pseudonym After Hunter CC’d on Ukraine Call

Tyler Durden

Are COVID-19 Vaccines Causing the Surge in Red Meat Allergies?

Ben Bartee

Ruling Classes Prepare for the Next Plandemic

Mac Slavo

We’re Almost There Already Anyhow

Eric Peters

The Only 4 Antibiotics You’ll Need When SHTF

Milan Adams

Brace Yourselves, Because What They Have Planned Is Going To Absolutely Devastate the U.S. Economy

Michael Snyder

The Flowering of Mediocrity

Theodore Dalrymple

Political Theatre

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