Hi John,

You probably have not thought of yourself as a “pro-life pioneer” before. You might be wondering what that even means… But it’s actually quite accurate.
You see, the mission for Human Coalition is clear:
rescue children from abortion throughout America. And what fuels the constant innovation that has saved more than 27,000 babies has been the support of people like you: pro-life advocates and defenders of children in the womb.

Here are just a few of the ways that you’ve pioneered the rescue of children from abortion over the past several years: 

• Then in 2013, a central contact center was established to answer the large influx of calls from moms responding to the online ads.

• In 2014, in order to better understand a mom’s in-clinic experience, the first brick-and-mortar pregnancy center was established. This was the first Human Coalition-operated pregnancy center. And it focused primarily on serving moms facing crisis pregnancies who were seeking to abort their child.

• In 2016, after realizing that 76% of moms seeking an abortion would prefer to parent if their circumstances were different, the Continuum of Care program was launched. This program provides for the tangible needs of moms that were prompting them to seek an abortion in the first place.

• Just two years later in 2018, the needs of moms were more urgent, and they desired to speak with a nurse faster. Getting transportation to a pregnancy center was also a challenge for most moms. To address this, pro-life pioneers got behind the launch of a telecare system to connect moms to counseling immediately!

• In 2019, because of the knowledge and insight obtained from serving women directly, an affiliated organization, Human Coalition Action, was started. It has pioneered innovative pro-life legislation that tackles the most pressing needs of moms seeking abortions.

• Today, your continued support is pioneering and accelerating a 26-state strategy to reach and serve more moms seeking abortions across the nation.
Supporters like you are what has fueled this relentless effort to pioneer new ways of rescuing children from abortion. And it’s why you are a pro-life pioneer … Your prayers and financial support are what have made these innovations possible!

But as you know, the fight to end abortion isn’t over. 

Planned Parenthood has been viciously fighting to expand access to abortion through the abortion pill. And the abortion industry is now shipping the pill into states that have outright banned abortions. That means even babies in states like Texas, where abortions are illegal, are not safe from being killed by the abortion pill. Children across the country remain in immediate, life-threatening danger. 

And that’s why your help is urgently needed this back-to-school season. The next generation is on the line… but you can #RescueOurFuture today.

It only costs $26 to connect the next mom seeking an abortion with our national contact center. And thanks to a $100,000 Matching Grant that has been pledged, every gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to the $100,000 collective grant amount if received by September 15. When matched by the grant, your gift will be DOUBLED in value and make TWICE the lifesaving impact.   
Your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $100,000 if received by September 15. Will you give right now to pioneer the next innovation and rescue the next child from abortion? www.HumanCoalition.org/BTS-23

Thank you for your support to rescue the next child from abortion before it’s too late for them.

For Children and Families,  

Rachel Lane
Vice President of Family Services.

P.S. — Children around the country remain in immediate, life-threatening danger, even in states where abortion is banned. Will you be the one who steps up and saves a life by giving today?
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Human Coalition
P.O. BOX 5347
Frisco, TX 75035-9920

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