Squashing us like the bugs they think we are. High treason, I say.Squashing us like the bugs they think we are.
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Americans Can’t Afford Homes But Biden Regime Set To Make Illegal Aliens Comfortable with New Housing as Part of $40 Billion Emergency Funding Request to Congress
Squashing us like the bugs they think we are.

High treason, I say.

Related: BIDENOMICS: Mortgage Rates Rise to Highest Point in 20 Years at 7.09 Percent

Biden Set To Make Illegal Aliens Comfortable with New Housing as Part of $40 ...

Biden Regime Working to Bring Racial Equity to Towns, Suburbs To “Further Diversity”
Communism imposed by tyrants. Social engineering and destruction of the suburbs. Poor whites need not apply.

The new rule will mandate that “local governments and other recipients of HUD funding set ambitious goals to not only confront and ...

Hawaii Knew Electrical Equipment Was Not Safe for Years
Hawaii one of is the bluest of the blue state. When Democrats run things — catastrophic. But they have their bogeyman at the ready – the big, fat climate lie. Instead of upgrading the electrical grid, they invested bigly in green garbage. The ...

House Judiciary Committee Subpoenas DOJ, FBI Records for Social Media Censorship
The First Amendment prohibits the federal government from passing laws restricting freedom of speech and abridging freedom of the press. Of all the clauses in the Bill of Rights, this is the one is the basic foundation of our Constitutional ...

California Democrats Would Criminalize Causing Disorder at School Board Meetings, Demand You Submit to Their Rule
But thieving flash mobs, looting, rioting, shoplifting, open drug taking and dealing, beating up whitey, illegal border invaders – that's all OK.

If half the country supports this, civil war is inevitable.

Get your kids out of the ...

North Dakota: Muslim Migrant Opened Fire On Police, Killing One, Wounded Two More Officers and Innocent Civilian (VIDEO)
No legacy media coverage, of course.

Why Western leaders would want this for their own populations is a profound failure of the Western world.


Evidently, a month ago there was a Syrian terrorist in Fargo, North Dakota shooting ...

GOP Sees Turnout Disaster Without Trump
The more the GOP ignores its base, the further they will drive themselves into oblivion – like the Whig Party before Lincoln's Republican party arrived on the scene.

Many in the incompetent Republican Party establishment believe that ...

Muslim Migrant Mob Humiliate, Beat, Force Lone Belgian Boy To Kiss Their Feet
The persecution, subjugation and humiliation of non-Muslims is a central tenet of Islamic doctrine. We see the carnage and humiliation suffered by non-Muslims in Muslim countries daily. Why Western leaders would want this for their own populations ...

BIDENOMICS: Mortgage Rates Rise to Highest Point in 20 Years at 7.09 Percent
Mortgage Rates Rise to Highest Point in 20 Years at 7.09 Percent


SEE IT: President @JoeBiden asks, "Name me a single objective we've ever set out to accomplish that we've failed on! Name me one"..WATCH pic.twitter.com/ldqjeEGd0Y ...

INTENT TO DECEIVE: Joe Biden Used MULTIPLE ALIASES For Crimes and Corruption With Foreign Adversaries
This is like a bad B movie – only it's real.

The Bidens made millions off corruption & hid the money in an LLC web.

Now we learn Joe used the names Robert Peters, Robin Ware, & JRB Ware.

This pattern of concealment IS NOT indicative ...

Trump Peace: Chabad in Saudi Arabia Openly Offers Jewish Religious Services to Jewish Expats
Another miracle in the Middle East because of President Trump's Abraham Accords. In fact, in these dark days, the only good news is Trump news. There is still no Nobel Peace Prize awarded to President Trump for brining peace between Israel and the ...

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