Now Mayor Woodward is in another competitive race against another scandal-plagued far-Left candidate, this time it’s Lisa Brown. And we here at Shift WA are keeping a close eye on the race.
Shift Washington
In 2019, former award-winning broadcaster Nadine Woodward narrowly defeated Spokane City Council President Ben Stuckart to become the 45th Mayor of Spokane. It was a typical local government choice, as Councilman Stuckart had the backing of powerful liberal government unions, while first-time candidate Woodward garnered support from business organizations and community groups. 
Mayor Woodward’s key campaign issues back then included the homelessness crisis and public safety, and pledging to establish a new police precinct in downtown Spokane. Shortly after taking office, the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, and she became an advocate for giving local officials a say in the safe progression of their communities, demanding more authority from Governor Jay Inslee.
Now Mayor Woodward is in another competitive race against another scandal-plagued far-Left candidate, this time it’s Lisa Brown. And we here at Shift WA are keeping a close eye on the race.
Our mission here at Shift WA is to shift the political debate in our state by highlighting the contrasts between conservative and liberal policies. As such, our focus naturally gravitates towards where the most action takes place – Olympia – and where so many statewide elections are decided – the most populous county, King County. 
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