Dear friend,
Last week marked the start of Congress' August recess. For the next month, members of Congress and many state lawmakers will be attending community events, putting on town halls, and soliciting input from their constituents.
In other words, this is the perfect time for them to accept FAMM's #VisitAPrison Challenge.
We are asking for your help during the month of August to reach out to your federal and state lawmakers and urge them to accept the #VisitAPrison challenge. There are several ways you can reach them during this recess.
1. Attend a town hall event: August recess is typically the time when members of Congress host town hall events for their constituents. These events often include a question and answer portion where the member fields questions directly from their constituent. This would be an ideal time to challenge them to #VisitAPrison. Visit your members' website or contact their district office to find out the nearest town hall event.
2. Visit a district office: If you are unable to attend a town hall event, reach out to your members' district office and request a meeting. With Congress back in the districts, there is a greater chance that you will be able to speak directly with your member. If not, try to schedule a meeting with their constituent service staff and explain the #VisitAPrison challenge.
3. Write to your state and federal lawmakers: If you are not able to secure a meeting in person, consider writing to your representatives. Write to your representative and senators today!
The #VisitAPrison challenge got off to a great start — but we need to keep the pressure on. August is the time to do it.
Thank you to everyone who has reached out to their policymakers. We could not do this without you.

Kevin Ring President, FAMM