![]() Patriot, The political environment is getting rougher. And the truth is, for those of us who believe in liberty and limited government, it’s almost certain to get uglier as we barrel toward the November elections! I need all hands on deck -- but my staff tells me you still haven’t renewed your support for Campaign for Liberty for 2020. I need to know I’ll be able to count on you. Can I count on you to renew right away? *** You see, battles (and perhaps even bipartisan “deals”) over gun control, so-called “climate” legislation, expanded government spying, and socialized medicine are all in the works. *** The Federal Reserve is dumping hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars into (SECRET!) banks to try and hold off a financial crisis even WORSE than 2008. *** And that’s on top of the major showdown looming early in the New Year over reauthorization of the so-called “USA Freedom Act” and some of the Deep State’s most abusive spying powers, which are growing like weeds today. That’s why I’m counting on you to renew your support for Campaign for Liberty right away. The truth is, if we choose to do nothing, the America you and I love could cease to exist. Just consider the Democrat Party’s open embrace of Central American-style socialism. After years upon years of indoctrination in government schools, our national media is beside itself with excitement that Americans are finally “ready” for full-scale economic authoritarianism. As a recent Newsweek headline stated: “Popularity of Socialism Spiking in U.S. With 43 Percent Saying It Would Be Good for Country.” And you can find headlines like that virtually every time you open a newspaper, flip on a TV, or scroll through a few of your favorite online news sites. Believing President Trump is political toast in November, Democrats are falling all over themselves to out-radical each other, including supporting: *** Outright GUN CONFISCATION. Former Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke summed up what ALL Democrat presidential candidates are planning, “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47;” *** Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s (D-NY) so-called “Green New Deal” to BAN cars, air travel, FORCE every building in America to be rebuilt, and hand people “unwilling to work” fat taxpayer-funded welfare payouts! Estimates are this scheme could cost up to $92 TRILLION – approximately $420,000 per household; *** Crackdowns on religious institutions and non-profits who don’t bow at the altar of government-defined “morality;” *** “Medicare for All” (AKA Euro-style socialized medicine), which would send costs to taxpayers skyrocketing, quality of care sinking, and force rationing – enabling government bureaucrats to decide who gets care and who doesn’t; *** The flat-out elimination of the First Amendment by muzzling grassroots Americans and organizations like Campaign for Liberty with a ball of bureaucratic red tape, and then censoring ALL online speech that isn’t “government-approved” under the guise of combating “hate;” *** Packing the U.S. Supreme Court with Big Government apologists who think sayings like, “America is a free country” means the government gets to do whatever it wants. As you can see, Campaign for Liberty certainly has our hands full. And I’ve barely even touched on the 2020 elections where there will certainly be opportunities to make new strides for liberty. That’s why I’m counting on you to renew your support for Campaign for Liberty at once. I realize it’s a lot to ask for. But there’s so much on the line this year. Of course, if it’s just too much right now, could you consider $50 or $35? 2020 is an “all-hands-on-deck” moment for the Liberty Movement. Each and every one of us have a role to play. It will take work. But it’s work our R3VOLUTION has proven we can do. Please renew at once! For Liberty,![]() Ron Paul Chairman |