This week, we hosted our first quarterly, nationwide Medicare for All Movement Call to bring health care justice advocates across the country together in a shared space to share updates, tips, and more.
In case you missed it, here’s a report-back on what we covered and what next steps you can take coming out of the call:
- We heard directly from Medicare for All Florida about all of the incredible work they’re doing, including a virtual town hall they’re holding on Monday, August 28 with special guest speakers including Gen-Z freshman and health care champion Rep. Maxwell Frost (FL-10).
- Organizers gave an update on the latest progress on Medicare for All legislation in the US House and Senate. As always, we encourage anyone whose representatives are not currently signed on as cosponsors of the bills to call them and ask them to sign on immediately! You can find the current House cosponsors here and the Senate cosponsors here.
- Organizing starts with conversations, so we went back to basics and did a training on how to have health care organizing conversations with friends, family, and other people in your life. The more we talk to our personal networks about the problems with our current health care system and how we can solve them through Medicare for All, the more public pressure we’ll build to transform the system. It may feel small, but try to have this conversation with someone this week — every person we reach adds up! Feel free to use our Response Cycle guidelines and our conversation bot here:
We had a great time seeing and speaking with so many of you this week, but if you couldn’t make it, no worries — your next chance to join this call is early December, and we’ll be sure to send you an invite!
Nurses' Campaign to Win Medicare For All