Recreational anglers, On August 14, NOAA Fisheries published a final rule to set recreational measures for Gulf of Maine cod and haddock. In order to maintain consistency between state and federal waters, DMR announces the adoption of an emergency regulation to modify recreational measures for Gulf of Maine cod and haddock. Chapter 34.06 Emergency Rulemaking to Adjust Recreational Measures for Cod and Haddock Concise Summary: For consistency with NOAA Fisheries federal rulemaking, the Department is implementing regulatory changes to the recreational fishing measures for Gulf of Maine cod and haddock. For cod, the emergency rulemaking modifies the season so that cod can be possessed from September 1 through October 31. For haddock, the emergency rulemaking establishes separate bag and size limits for the party/charter and private recreational fishing sectors. For party and charter boats, the rule reduces the bag limit from 20 fish to 15 fish per day and increases the minimum size limit from 17-inches to 18-inches. For private anglers, the rule reduces the bag limit from 20 fish to 10 fish per day but maintains the existing minimum size limit of 17-inches. This action ensures compliance with the federal fishery management plan. For these reasons, the Commissioner hereby adopts an emergency regulation to modify the recreational groundfish measures for Gulf of Maine cod and haddock in accordance with 12 MRS §6171(3)(C). Effective Date: August 18, 2023 A copy of the emergency rulemaking package can be found HERE.
For questions regarding Gulf of Maine cod and haddock recreational measures, please contact Megan Ware at [email protected] or 207.446.0932.