These two recent headlines from POLITICO paint a stark picture of the fundraising challenges we’re facing right now:
First, while grassroots donations surged over the last few election cycles, data now shows that “the well is drying up:”

But it gets worse. This historic dip in fundraising appears to be hitting Democratic campaigns like ours much worse than Republicans’:

Over the last few election cycles, the GOP’s embrace of MAGA extremism and radical anti-abortion policies drove a surge of grassroots supporters to candidates like Mikie who are fighting back and working toward meaningful, bipartisan solutions to the problems families across the country are facing every day.
But the tide has turned. In fact, House GOP Majority Whip Tom Emmer declared that Republicans have now “...turned a fundraising disadvantage into a massive strength.”
This shows just how powerful grassroots donations are to our campaign’s success. And while the GOP’s fundraising advantage is a big challenge that we’ll need to overcome to re-elect Mikie and flip the House blue — we have utmost confidence in this team. After all, you’ve helped us beat the odds time and time again!
Team, the majority of our online donations come through emails like this one. Will you add a donation today and help us chip away at the GOP’s fundraising gap? Every donation powers the tools we need to send Mikie back to Congress and win back the House majority.