They cause 14 times more pollution than commercial flights, and billionaires are getting a bargain to fly private through massive tax subsidies. But momentum is building around the world and we have a chance to shut down this billionaire free-ride.


airplane in the sky emitting pollution

Private jets cause 14 times more pollution than commercial flights. But now momentum is building around the world to rein in billionaires and make them pay for the destruction they're causing. Add your name to demand taxing private jets, and share this widely!

 Sign the petition 


Private jets cause 14 times more pollution than commercial flights.

Yet billionaires get massive tax subsidies that help them fly private all over the world. They're getting a bargain for destroying the climate.

But new laws to tax private jets are being introduced around the world, and momentum is finally building to shut down this billionaire free-ride.

Add your name to demand taxing private jets -- when enough join, we'll launch a media blitz in key countries:

No more free rides for billionaires, tax private jets

From the US to France, governments have introduced legislation that would finally tax private jets, and some airports including Schiphol in Amsterdam are banning private jets entirely. 

The top 1% are responsible for more than twice as much carbon dioxide pollution as the bottom 50% and yet these billionaires continue to pollute our skies and worsen the climate crisis without any accountability. 

Lawmakers in the US are proposing a tax on private jet fuel use, and those funds would go towards climate justice and support for transitioning to renewable energy. But the ultra-wealthy are also ultra-powerful and if we want to succeed in reining them in, we need everyone's help to make our call huge. 

This truly is a global crisis and legislation in one country can impact not just other governments' legislation but the actual global climate. To truly address climate change, we need everyone everywhere. Add your name to the petition and share this widely -- we'll deliver our call to key lawmakers around the world. 

Tell governments: no more free rides for billionaires, tax private jets

 Sign the petition 

Thanks for all that you do,
Rewan and the team at Ekō

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