What's Happening at the Center
Transcript and video are now available from our Newsmaker conversation with Senator Tom Cotton regarding immigration policy-making in Congress. The conversation included topics such as the crisis at the border, reducing legal immigration levels, guestworker visas, and the intersection of immigration and national security.
Featured Posts Dueling Judges Issue Different Decisions on Third-Country Asylum Eligibility Rule By Andrew Arthur
Judges issues contradictory rulings on Trump's asylum reforms, with Judge Tigar issuing a nationwide injunction. At the end, I fully expect it will be the Supreme Court that will have to settle this immigration question, as so many others.
Trump's "Remain in Mexico" Policy Appears to Be Working By Todd Bensman
Reporting from Juarez, Bensman finds that many Central Americans are choosing to return home rather than wait in Mexico for their asylum claims. However, there are rumors that they may no longer be subject to the "Remain in Mexico" policy.
Update on the Crowd-Funded Border Wall in New Mexico By Todd Bensman
The half-mile long, 25-foot-high steel wall is either an affront to proper democratic process and bureaucracy, or a magnificent edifice to a vast, unrequited patriotic will to protect America from the plague of Mexican cartels and illegal immigration, depending on whom you ask.
The U.S.-Guatemala Safe Third Country Deal: Where's the Beef? By Dan Cadman
Is the deal between the U.S. and Guatemala an actual, enforceable third country deal, or is it just a non-binding agreement to work toward a solution in the future? Guatemala's Congress would likely have to vote for any actual safe third country agreement with the United States.
Revealing Numbers from DOJ and DHS By Andrew Arthur
Congress has failed to act to plug the loopholes that are being exploited by smugglers and migrants alike. Now, new figures from the agencies quantify the soaring number of minors and non-Mexican families at the border
Expedited Removal Finally to be Applied as Intended By Dan Cadman
By expanding expedited removal to its full reach, a significant portion of cases can be diverted out of the immigration courts, allowing the backlog to settle and, over time, recede. This move was years overdue.
The foreman of the "We Build the Wall" private group, which is constructing a crowd-funded border wall in New Mexico, explains his group's dispute with local government.
Andrew Arthur, the Center's Resident Fellow in Law and Policy, debates safe third country asylum rules set by the Trump administration.
Senator Tom Cotton discusses judicial activism and judges blocking President Trump's immigration agenda at last week's Immigration Newsmaker