Mom celebrates victory after state drops bogus child neglect charge—but other parents are still at risk


An Arizona mother unjustly accused of child neglect has reason to celebrate, after a judge allowed the state’s Department of Child Safety to drop their charges against her.

This is great news for the mom, who has long worked with children, but in the broader sense, the win is bittersweet. Without the case ever going to trial, others still risk being placed on the state’s unconstitutional Central Registry.

And the problem extends far beyond Arizona, explains Brittany Hunter. Unfortunately, many states’ child welfare departments bypass due process and arbitrarily punish parents on mere suspicion alone.

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New lawsuit takes on in-house agency tribunals to restore due process and rule of law

The financial woes of a Texas credit union during the COVID-19 pandemic put longtime CEO Jeffrey Moats in the crosshairs of the National Credit Union Administration, the federal agency that regulates credit unions.

The agency pursued him with absurd accusations of misconduct and staggering punishment—$4 million in restitution, at least $1 million in civil penalties, and a lifetime ban on working in banking. Jeffrey isn’t allowed to defend himself in a proper court; instead, the agency is prosecuting Jeffrey in-house where it can act as accuser, prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner.

But the Constitution guarantees basic principles of fairness—so Jeffrey is fighting back.

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Fox News: Reparations activists come for the children

The California Reparations Task Force hopes that its final report and recommendations will be “an example for not only other states but this nation as a whole…”

Andrew Quinio and John Yoo argue that the state task force’s recommendations advantage or disadvantage students based on race and ancestry and the children will be worse off because of it.

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