Families USA has a couple of important reminders for you about important actions you can take to address health care pricing abuses and payment issues.
1. Families USA and other leading organizations are coming together as the Consumers for Fair Hospital Pricing Coalition. Together we will put forward a strong consumer-driven agenda that ensures everyone can get the high-quality care they deserve at a price they can afford.
We are looking for supportive organizations to endorse the coalition’s core principles. These are laid out in the coalition’s announcement letter, which will be released publicly in the coming weeks but is available for you to read now. You can read the letter here and to endorse it, please fill out our endorsement form. We hope you will join us in this movement.
2. Consumers First invites you to join us for a webinar Thursday, August 24rd from 3:00-4:00 EST on important issues to weigh in on in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) and Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) rules. We will be circulating separate sign-on comments for each of the rules in the coming weeks.
Register to attend here.
We thank you for your partnership. Please reach out to me with any questions at
Mike Persley
Strategic Partnerships Campaign Manager
Families USA