Breaking from POLITICO: “14 states sue Trump administration over food stamp rule”


ACTION ALERT: Will you add your name to stand with Democratic AGs who are SUING to BLOCK Trump’s attacks on people who rely on food stamps?

TIME IS RUNNING OUT, team. In April, Trump’s proposed cuts to the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) will take effect and kick more than 700,000 people off the program. Trump is literally taking food away from hungry people.

This kind of cruelty is at the core of the Trump agenda: Slash taxes for the top and make the those at the bottom pay – or worse. We cannot allow this to happen, and that’s why we are asking for your support.

Thankfully, a coalition of Democratic AGs is SUING the Trump administration to block its heartless attacks on vulnerable populations. But they can’t do it alone. They need every single supporter standing with them in this fight.

Know this: Democratic AGs will hold the Trump administration accountable for its cruel agenda. Democratic AGs are fighting, but we cannot become numb to Trump’s cruelty. We must stand together to say enough is enough and stop the Trump Administration from gutting SNAP. Sign your name, show you care, and take a stand.

Will you add your name to stand with Democratic AGs who are SUING to BLOCK Trump’s attacks on people who rely on food stamps?

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