Your child’s first phone - what’s the right age?

It’s the new “conversation” parents have with their kids: when to get a phone.
It’s not an easy decision. There are a lot of reasons why children should have a phone. Phones help them socialize and make new friends. Phones teach skills they’ll need in our high-tech world. And a phone is an essential way to stay in touch.
But phones come with issues too. Research links excessive screentime to childhood obesity, behavioral problems and anxiety. A recent study of 30,000 young adults shows a strong connection between the age at which kids get their first phone and the status of their mental health.
So what age is the right age? If you’re a parent whose child doesn’t have a phone yet, you’re likely asking yourself that question now. The school year is coming up, you’re shopping for supplies. Should a new phone be on your list?
Before you decide, read our post at the CREDO Blog, where we look at the question in depth and offer advice from experts.
If you think your child is ready for a phone, then consider CREDO Mobile. Why? Because kids learn a lot from their phones. And they can also learn from their phone company—if it’s CREDO Mobile.
That’s because we’re more than a phone company. We’re a community of people dedicated to making the future better. We work hard every day for causes like climate justice, economic justice and civil rights. With CREDO Mobile, young people don’t just get a phone, they get a voice.
We have a variety of affordable plans to suit everyone. We have 1GB to unlimited-data plans, all with unlimited talk and text. Customers who don’t use a lot of data can save with our metered plans, which switch automatically to Wi-Fi at home.
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