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Friday, August 18th, 2023


Spike Protein, Heart Inflammation Still Present One Year Post mRNA-Injection

Dr. Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly

Dependency on the State Is the Core of the Takeover Plot of Humanity

Gary D. Barnett

Thanks to Government, Maui’s Lahaina Fire Became a Deadly Conflagration

Connor O’Keeffe

House Republicans Are Incorrigible Warmongers

Laurence M. Vance

Biden Cares More About Ukraine Than He Does the United States

Chuck Baldwin

Autopsy Fraud Convicts the Military in the JFK Assassination

Jacob G. Hornberger

Rename the Secretary of State the Secretary of Hypocrisy

Caitlin Johnstone

43 of the Many Reasons People Don’t Believe the Authorities About Covid

Jim Cox

The Demise of White Americans

Paul Craig Roberts

The Peculiar Unreality of Spectacle

Charles Hugh Smith

From Press Room Raids to Indictments, Anything Goes When the Government Piles on

John & Nisha Whitehead

Pandemic II – The Disease X Act 2023 Gives the Baton to Johns Hopkins

Helena Glass

Political Theatre

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