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Hello John,

People have asked me how we can still make 2020 the start of a decade of climate action given that our Government does not seem to understand the urgency of this situation. This is my answer: 

Keep rising up and demanding change. And be as concrete in your demands as possible.

The Green Party’s Caroline Lucas was one of the creators of the world’s first Green New Deal back in 2007. It’s a solid plan for delivering a zero carbon economy and making everyday life better at the same time. It’s a path to progress built on linked up solutions for transport, education, healthcare, justice, food, and democracy. This short film has loads on the Green New Deal if you want to find out more

To keep the pressure on to get a Green New Deal implemented, we need your help. We’re asking 2,500 to come forward and contribute £20 for 2020.   

GIVE £20

But, the solutions are not just top down, they start from the bottom up. Our film introduces you to our newly appointed Climate Emergency Officer, Julian Dean. Julian will be working with our 350 Green Councillors around the country to identify tangible ways to reduce carbon locally, showing that change is possible on every level.  

To keep up this work, we need your help. Will you give £20 to make 2020 the beginning of a decade of meaningful climate action? 


So if you ask me if I think we can turn things around, my answer will always undoubtedly be yes. Everyone has the right to breathe clean air, eat food free from poison and enjoy a safe, happy future. I know that together we have what it takes to make that future the only future.

Will you be part of the movement? Together we can make a greener and fairer world.

I'LL GIVE £20 FOR 2020

In hope, 
Jonathan Bartley
P.S. Did you know that we were one of the originators of the Green New Deal? Find out more in this short film!

Published and promoted by Judy Maciejowska on behalf of the Green Party, both at The Biscuit Factory, Unit 215 J Block, 100 Clements Road, London, SE16 4DG.

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