A lot people have asked me how we came so close to defeating Lauren Boebert when all of the political “experts” said we had no chance.


In 2022, I lost to Lauren Boebert by just 546 votes. It was the closest race in the entire country.

Since then, a lot of people have asked me how we came so close to defeating Boebert when all of the political “experts” said we had no chance.

We spent a lot of time on the road. During the last campaign, my son Felix and I drove 24,000 miles in our red pickup truck, meeting with voters wherever we found them. In restaurants and breweries. In living rooms and backyards. And on farms and ranches.

But Lauren Boebert just plain outspent us. She started earlier, and she started with a lot more money. And her corporate PAC friends were there for her, writing huge checks every time she had a fundraising deadline. We just couldn’t compete with her millions.

So this time, we’re starting early. I’m already back in the truck with Felix. We’re drawing bigger and bigger crowds and seeing lots of familiar faces – and getting introduced to even more new people who are ready to join our campaign.

And we’re actually out-raising Lauren Boebert with the help of grassroots donors like you. But Boebert’s allies are coming to her rescue. One Super PAC says they’re planning to put $20 million into just three or four House races – and Boebert’s one of them.

With all due respect to the national party, we ran this race without one dime of support last time – and I’m not expecting a penny more than that this time. People can call me naive if they want, but I believe we can finish the job and defeat Lauren Boebert in 2024. For our democracy, I believe we must.

I’m not taking money from corporate PACs. I don’t have a Super PAC promising to spend millions to help me win. And I’m not getting financial support from the party bosses in Washington. If we’re going to defeat Lauren Boebert and finally restore some sanity to Washington, I’m counting entirely on grassroots donors like you to give right now:

Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now to my campaign – every dollar you can afford to spare today – and help me defeat Lauren Boebert? This campaign is 100% funded by people like you, so no amount is too small.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

The talking heads on cable news couldn’t believe their eyes when the results started coming in on Election Night last year.

With your help now, we’re going to surprise them all once again.

Thank you for everything you do.

With gratitude -