
“It’s the economy, stupid”

That’s how James Carville summarized Bill Clinton’s winning message in their 1992 underdog campaign.

So we wanted to ask, how is the economy affecting the upcoming 2024 election?

If you’ve been following the latest updates from economists, business journalists, and the Federal Reserve, you know that right now, everybody has a different answer to that question.

On the one hand, the Biden Administration and the Federal Reserve just might make history by successfully pulling off the first-ever “soft landing” — dampening inflation without triggering a recession. The Biden Administration has brought inflation down from over 9% to between 3% and 4%, while job growth and consumer sentiment have stayed strong. That’s unprecedented and why the Biden Administration is currently taking a national victory lap with their Bidenomics campaign tour.

On the other hand, economists aren’t ready to admit that a soft landing is even possible just yet. The Fed still hasn’t hit its 2% inflation goal, and there are a few potential storm clouds on the horizon, like rising gas prices and credit card debt. And who knows what’s going on with China’s economy right now?

Voters, especially, are unenthusiastic about recent economic growth. Despite the strengthening economy, Biden’s approval numbers are stuck. Some pundits think that the electorate has become too partisan for the economy to impact elections like it used to, others think voters are taking a wait-and-see approach.

We wanted to ask you, how do you feel about the strength of our economy and the economic performance of the Biden administration? Take our 2024 Economic Voter Survey Now.

table showing Republican held congressional districts where Biden won

No matter what happens to the American economy, we’re going to fight to defend our democracy in 2024, but we need to be prepared for the worst- and the best-case scenario.

-Operation 147




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