Plus: Hawaiian Grid Operator Focused on Promoting Green Energy Instead of Wildfire Preparedness
August 17 2023
The Highly Dangerous Georgia Indictments
By Ben Shapiro

If you think that only Democratic district attorneys will play this game, you have another thing coming. Prepare for a future in which running for office carries the legal risk of going to jail—on all...
Hawaiian Grid Operator Focused on Promoting Green Energy Instead of Wildfire Preparedness
By Nick Pope

Hawaiian Electric appears to have focused on green energy development while neglecting to adhere to its own assessment that it needed to increase the safety of its existing infrastructure.
Timeline of Ukrainian Pay-to-Play Scheme Confirms Bidens’ Corruption
By Deroy Murdock

The Biden crime family’s multimillion-dollar bribery and money-laundering operation has more moving parts than an 80-year-old grandfather clock.
CNN Beclowns Itself Pushing Gibberish ‘Neopronouns,’ ‘Nounself Pronouns’
By Joshua Arnold

The “relatively common” list of neopronouns includes: “xe/xyr,” “ze/zir,” “fae/faer,” “ey/em/eir,” and “ae/aer.”
ICYMI: FINALLY: DC May Face the Music for Its Blatant Black Lives Matter Double Standard
By Tyler O'Neil

D.C. took sides in an active political debate, joining ranks with the message that rioters proclaimed as they broke glass, looted stores, started fires, and put other citizens’ lives in danger.

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