In 2017, Jon, Jon, and Tommy founded Crooked Media because our broken political news coverage had helped elect one of the worst presidents in American history. Among quite a few other existential shortcomings, traditional news focuses on the bad, without talking about what each of us could do to fix it. And so, Vote Save America was born.
Five years ago, when we launched Vote Save America, we had no idea what to expect. Then the site crashed and we knew you all were ready to join us in this fight.
Since that day, we’ve raised more than $55 million and mobilized 500,000 voters and volunteers to support progressive causes and candidates around the country. A few highlights:
We’re faced with a nearly impossible task of winning over and over again in a closely divided nation to fend off authoritarianism. But we’re doing it, and that’s a big deal. And for as hard as the past few years have been, it’s an honor to do it with this group of hopeful people dedicated to creating a better, more just, and progressive future. Meeting you at tour stops, canvass launches, and virtual events makes me just as proud as any of the stats I mentioned.
Accomplishing all of this has not been easy, and it’s only possible because of your dedication. You all trusted our simple belief that if you give people the tools to fix the problems facing them, they will step up and enthusiastically make a difference.
And while we’ve made progress, we still have a lot to do—2023 isn’t finished and 2024, another existential election, is right around the corner. So we’re looking forward, and we need your help to stay in this fight for the long haul.
This year, we launched the Vote Save America PAC! If the last five years have taught us anything, it’s that the threats to our democracy are growing, and in order to save it, Vote Save America must expand its work, which will require money. So for the first time we’re asking you to donate directly to Vote Save America.
Yes, for the first time, we’re asking you to donate directly to Vote Save America. We know this is unusual, but be nice, it is our birthday! And before you ask, no, we won’t spam you begging for money. You can expect to hear from us once a year on our birthday with updates on what the PAC has been working on and an invitation to support our work. Other than that, it’ll be your regularly scheduled programming.
While we’ll take whatever you’re prepared to give, small, monthly donations of $5-$20 will go a long way. This will allow us to support more candidates, invest in long term infrastructure building, engage in more issue based campaigns, and eventually expand our work to all 50 states.