Government’s denial is beyond inhumane
Graphic saying  Extinction Rebellion with red background

Hello John,


We must act. XR is making plans. We need you.


💰Sunak's family firm signed $1bn BP deal before North Sea licences opened1

💩 Fifty-seven triathlon swimmers fall sick in Sunderland2
🌊 Ocean’s hit with highest ever recorded surface temperature3
🌫 UK government ‘ignoring green watchdog’ over air quality rules4
🔥 And slashes international aid for climate-related disasters by £85m5

Three people protesting water pollution, sitting on toilets on the sea shore

Perhaps our billionaire Prime Minister thinks his wealth will mean he can ride out the oncoming storm. That he can use wealth to escape the climate crisis. But he’s wrong. 


We all need breathable air. We all need cool oceans. We all need a liveable planet.

There is nothing subtle about this Government not caring about our shared home. Only denial is fuelling its greed and control. 


We will stand for the billions of lives and futures that lie in the hands of this criminal Government!

Let’s keep the pressure on until they act and get the climate crisis firmly on the political agenda. With your help XR can grow its solidarity for climate justice. 


We can stand taller. We can voice the demands louder. 

You can take action today. You can donate and share the crowdfunding page with others - we don't have time to wait. We must raise more money to fund our rebellion. Let’s do this, together. 


Thank you for all of your support,

XR UK Fundraising Team


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