The Role of Global Civil Society in Achieving & Supporting Global Peace and Security
What role(s) must global civil society play in promoting and sustaining global peace and security?
World BEYOND War contends that global civil society has played and must continue to play a critical role, particularly as nation states often make decisions based upon the self-interests of economic and political elites. WBW seeks to uplift the many examples of global civil society effectively challenging the state and stepping in when states fail to act to protect the human dignity and rights of citizens, and the sustainability of the planet.
Learning from these examples, WBW emphasizes the need to increase the role of global civil society in the maintenance of global peace and security. We explore these ideas and strategies in our book “A Global Security System: An Alternative to War (AGSS).”
In Study War No More, our free online study and action guide for AGSS, we develop these proposals further. We offer additional resources, provide guiding questions to help you think critically about the challenges and possibilities, introduce you to networks working on these issues, and provide suggestions for actions to get engaged in global civil society efforts.
>>Click here to access our discussion guide on The Role of Global Civil Society
The Study War No More discussion guide on this topic features an introductory video interview with study and action partner Cora Weiss who has spent her life in the movements for human rights, civil rights, women’s empowerment and peace. She is President of the Hague Appeal for Peace that brought 10,000 people together, in May 1999, for the largest civil society peace conference in history. She was also one of the organizers of the June 12, 1982 nuclear disarmament rally that gathered more than 1,000,000 people in NYC’s Central Park.
The discussion guide also dives into the assumptions, problems, and ineffectiveness of the nation-state system in assuring human security.
Join us in learning and action in pursuit of increasing the role of global civil society in maintaining peace and security!
Be sure to check out all the other topics found on Study War No More, including Debunking the Myths of War, Demilitarization and Disarmament, Alternative visions: Human Security and a Culture of Peace, A Sustainable Global Economy as a Foundation for Peace, and many more!
World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of the very institution of war. Our success is driven by a people-powered movement –
support our work for a culture of peace.
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