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August 16, 2023

How to Attract Snakes to your Yard (and why you'd want to)

Photo: Eastern Ratsnake, Judy Gallagher

Snakes are probably the most misunderstood and underappreciated of Northern Virginia’s wildlife. These animals are important members of the ecosystem as both predator and prey. They also manage rodent and pest insect populations. The four species you are most likely to see in your yard are Eastern Ratsnake, Northern Rough Greensnake, Eastern Gartersnake and Northern Ring-necked Snake. You can attract snakes to your yard by providing dense stands of native shrubs to provide habitat for prey insects. Create a brush shelter and include a few nice flat rocks in a sunny area to provide them a place to bask. Never use glue traps!

Learn more about these and other sanctuary species, and how to create habitat for wildlife in your yard through our Audubon at Home program here.


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