Seattle DSA
August Chapter Membership Meeting:
2023 National DSA Convention -
Which Way Forward for DSA?

Tuesday, Aug 22, 7pm - 9pm
Southside Commons (with a zoom option)


Earlier this month over 900 delegates from across the country gathered in Chicago for the DSA National Convention.  Important decisions were made that will set the course for DSA for the next period, from a DSA National Trans and Abortion Rights Campaign to electing a new National Political Committee - the elected national leadership of DSA - to taking steps toward DSA acting like an independent party.  However, unfortunately, much was left undiscussed. For example, no discussion or decision was made on DSA's approach to Biden and the 2024  Presidential election. 

Join our newly elected NPC member from Seattle, Amy W, and the other Seattle delegates for a discussion assessing the National Convention, its decisions, and what that means for our work here in Seattle and building DSA into a fighting force.





  • We have LESS THAN THREE WEEKS left to gather signatures, as we’re submitting at the END OF AUGUST
  • There will NOT be another chance for us to make the ballot
  • At the current rate of signature gathering, we WILL NOT MAKE THE BALLOT
  • We have applied for a grant of $10,000 from National DSA which would help pay canvassers to collect signatures
  • We really need folks to show up in this crucial time, it is make or break for the campaign!

This is a rare opportunity to transfer $90 million EVERY YEAR from the corporate elite to the working class, especially the most marginalized minimum wage workers! THIS IS OUR LAST CHANCE TO QUALIFY FOR THE BALLOT! 


What should I bring to a canvass?

  • Now that we’re door knocking more often, make sure to bring water, sunscreen, and snacks!
  • If you can, bring a friend! One extra canvasser can DOUBLE our impact!

If getting down to Renton is difficult but you still want to help out, we’ll be hosting an event to help count, validate, and cure our signatures so we can get a higher validity rate. Stay tuned for details!

Sign up to help socialists deliver for workers here:
Thursday, Aug. 17 (5-8pm) RSVP here
Friday, Aug. 18 (5 - 8 PM)  RSVP here
Saturday, Aug. 19 (10 - 12 PM)   RSVP here


This Saturday, Aug 19
9-10:30 am
Lee Minto Planned Parenthood
2001 E Madison

Help counter the anti-abortion Extremists that regularly stand outside this clinic. Show Solidarity with clinic patients And staff. Join the movement to defend Abortion!

We will use our beautiful political signs, rainbow flags, and chants to protect patients from harassers by the antis and to show the community that the pro-abortion and pro-reproductive-justice movement is here and growing.

Where are we meeting? – We are defending the Lee Minto Planned Parenthood Center at 2001 E. Madison Street, Seattle. Meet at the bus stop outside the clinic.

What should I bring? – Dress for the weather including comfortable shoes, a water bottle, cough drops or hard candy (chanting causes dry mouth), your locked cell phone, emergency contact # written on your body in Sharpie, and your passion for reproductive justice! You can bring a picket sign or some will be provided.

This Clinic Defense is Organized by the Puget Sound Mobilization For Reproductive Justice, a coalition of groups organizing for Reproductive Justice, including the Seattle DSA Reproductive Justice Working Group