Once again, we helped to lessen the impact of Republicans’ blatant voter suppression efforts. 

There’s still time for some of the 191,000 voters impacted by Brad Raffensperger’s voter purge to save their registrations, so the exact results of this purge are still unknown — and we’ll be sure to update you as soon as we can. But what we do know is that this community fought back and helped Georgia voters keep their registrations.

Thanks to Fair Fight activists all around the country chipping in to our Prevent the Purge Fund, we were able to reach voters at risk of losing their registrations and help ensure they stay registered. Through texts and phone calls, we contacted 49,266 impacted voters.

We’re so proud of the work we were able to accomplish with the support of this community. As you can tell, Georgia Republicans are scared of the power that voters hold. So Fair Fight will continue to be here — ensuring that voters can cast a ballot, have that ballot be counted, and make their voices heard.

Thank you for for protecting democracy here in Georgia,

Lila Z.
Deputy Organizing Director, Fair Fight

P.S. — As we get closer to the 2024 elections, we need to be ready for any other voter suppression attempts. If it makes sense for you today, please chip in to continue powering our work to protect our democracy: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ff-aug23-em