ICYMI: Who's buying off our politicians?
The Dirty Money Project will find out
As a VoteWater supporter, you know dirty money = dirty water. Campaign cash from polluting industries buys influence in the halls of power and results in laws that protect polluters at the expense of clean water.
That's why our “Dirty Money Project” will dig into campaign finance data at the federal, state and county level in St. Lucie, Martin, Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Collier and Lee counties, to see how much campaign cash elected officials are getting, from whom — and how this affects water policy.
We believe if citizens know the truth about “dirty money,” they’ll demand cleaner politicians — and that means cleaner water.
So stay tuned. And please consider donating to VoteWater; your support can help us make “dirty money” so toxic even dirty politicians won’t touch it.