The latest in the Biden Administration’s attempts to cover up the Biden family’s corrupt dealings is the Justice Department’s appointment of David Weiss as a Special Counsel to “investigate” Hunter Biden. Weiss is the same federal prosecutor who tried and failed to get Hunter Biden a cushy plea deal before a federal judge rejected it. This move is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to make it look like justice is being served, when really this is a move to shield Hunter from investigations by Congressional Republicans and anyone else into the corrupt Biden family. Meanwhile, Biden and his cronies are going out of their way to weaponize our justice system toward their opponents – the latest instance being in Georgia to indict his #1 political opponent over a 2020 phone call... Mark my words, John, Special Counsel David Weiss will do NOTHING to bring Hunter or the president to justice. It’s up to us to break through the Biden Admin’s own corruption and expose them to the world. Please help the Committee to Defeat the President shed light on what the media refuses to by rushing a contribution of $10, $25 or more – it could be the only way we can remove Biden from office. STOP JOE! As America’s largest anti-Biden organization, we’re leading the charge to hold Biden accountable and stop him from getting four more years. Biden and his administration are abusing every bit of authority at their disposal to cover up their corruption, and they have the mainstream media eating out of their hands. We need your help to amass the resources to break through their attempts to blockade and censor the truth. Will you underwrite our efforts with a contribution of $10, $25 or more today? Only with your support can we finally blow the lid off the Biden coverup. Thank you,  Ted Harvey, Chairman Committee to Defeat the President
The Committee to Defeat the President ( is a grassroots-funded effort dedicated to stopping Joe Biden and (as they would say) "resisting" the Democrat Party's radical socialist agenda.
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