CNL Summer 2023 Newsletter


NLAS D.C. last month was a special event. Hundreds of New Liberals from across the country attended the three day summit for a convening on the importance of building a broad center-left political coalition and a discussion of what a New Liberal is.  Representatives Jeff Jackson (NC-14), Scott Peters (CA-50), Val Hoyle (OR-04), and Brad Schnieder (IL-10), as well as other leading voices from the Democratic Party’s center-left, spoke about the need to organize young center-left activists in support of a new, pragmatic approach to policy and realigning U.S. politics around a center-left majority.

NLAS D.C. kicked off on Thursday evening with an opening reception attended by nearly 200 New Liberals. Representative Scott Peters (CA-50) and Representative Jeff Jackson (NC-14) provided remarks, emphasizing the importance of having young advocates who can campaign for pragmatic policy goals — such as permitting reform — and develop a stronger message for the center-left that appeals to a majority of voters. 

On Friday, our attendees heard from Representative Val Hoyle (OR-04) on the importance of apprenticeships in the new economy and Representative Brad Schneider (IL-10) delivered a keynote address on the importance of youth activism for a durable majority. Afterwards, New Liberals were given the opportunity to tour Capitol Hill and speak with their Congressperson including Reps. Norma Torres (CA-35), Lou Correa (CA-46), Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07), Marc Veasey (TX-33), Brittany Pettersen (CO-07), Jason Crow (CO-06), Greg Landsman (OH-1), Shontel Brown (OH-11), Gregory Meeks (NY-05), Pat Ryan (NY-18), Wiley Nickel (NC-13), Deborah Ross (NC-2), Lucy McBath (GA-07), Terri Sewell (AL-07), David Trone (MD-06), Derek Kilmer (WA-06), Abigail Spanberger (VA-07), and Jennifer Wexton (VA-10).

On Saturday, the final day of NLAS, the New Liberals attended a series of training sessions to help sharpen their skills as advocates and organizers. The conference was capped with the inauguration of the 2023-24 CNL Steering Committee. We want to thank everyone who was able to make NLAS D.C. from around the world and look forward to seeing all the ways our chapter and members continue to get involved in their communities.

For a look back at an amazing  weekend, please see our photo gallery on the CNL Website

Photo Gallery

Steering Committee Elections

Culminating at the NLAS D.C. Conference, our members voted for the Center for New Liberalism Steering Committee. As our grassroots board, the Steering Committee represents the voices of our members and chapter leads in bimonthly meetings with CNL leadership. They are involved in setting the agenda for CNL long term operations and provide feedback and suggestions on proposed initiatives and CNL activities. After a weeks long campaign and vote, we are pleased to announce the 2023-24 CNL Steering Committee:

Chair - Ben Akselrod - New York City, NY

Vice Chair - Cathy Reisenwitz - Huntsville, AL

Members at Large:

Briana Coyle - Columbus, OH

Laura Duffy - Washington, DC

Morgan Rinehart - Charlotte, NC

Tibita Kaneene - New York City, NY

Ramsey Kilani - Toronto

Imar Koutchoukali - Estonia

Micah Erfan - Houston, TX

Congratulations to the incoming Committee members, we are excited to continue building a stronger organization together!

Welcome to the Week of Action!

This week (August 13-19), CNL Chapters around the world will be hosting social, political, and service events to get out into the community for our third annual Center for New Liberalism Week of Action. During the Week of Action our chapters organize events that showcase their ability to get involved locally. In years past, chapters have put together petition drives, organized trash clean ups, welcomed refugees, and held socials. This year we have cleanups, homeless outreach, discussions on ballot initiatives, the clean energy future, and much more. Our chapters are excited to welcome you to join us, some events are even virtual, and all are free to attend. We hope you can join us at any of our events. You can find events listed here.

31 May 2023

Publication: Diplomats Magazine

Title: Economic Diplomacy of Bangladesh

Author: Imran Khan

Pull Quote: Diplomacy is the art of negotiation, persuasion, and compromise. Being an emerging leading voice of the Global South, Bangladesh is moving forward with strong footsteps through its own style of economic diplomacy.

Featured: Imran Khan (Dhaka Chapter)

14 June 2023

Publication: The xxxxxx

Title: How Progressive Abandoned Progress for Process 

Author: Jeremiah Johnson

Pull Quote: The progressive love affair with process is crippling our cities, our economy, and our climate. We have to care more about tangible results than we do about the paperwork that gets us there. It may seem like process helps in a variety of ways—it ensures rules are being followed, it strives for equity, it guarantees community input. But if your process has brought you to the point we’re at now, of what real use was the process?

Featured: Jeremiah Johnson

21 June 2023

Publication: Politico

Title: Biden vs. Trump and the Future of Debate 

Author: Derek Robertson

Pull Quote: There are a lot of people for whom politics is really just a tribal war, mostly divorced from policy…Of course it’s funny to see Trump and Biden talk in weird internet meme stuff, but this stream also seems designed to play with the idea of ‘politics as fandom’... It hits that cheap dopamine rush of dunking on the other side, and Twitch is a platform that’s already very in tune with ‘debate me, bro’ culture and tribal political wars.

Featured: Jeremiah Johnson

13 July 2023

Publication: TribLive 

Title: Plans for 234 Apartments in Pittsburgh's Strip District Receive Planning Commission Approval

Author: Julia Fenton

Pull Quote: “continued addition of new housing units to the Strip District neighborhood” and the city as a whole, said Dmetri Black…”Building more housing, especially in neighborhoods like the Strip (District) that are walkable and nearby to so many amenities is great for our residents, the city and the region,” Black said.

Featured: Dmetri Black (Pittsburgh Chapter)

14 July 2023

Publication: CapX

Title: Why Would We Spend 15bn Turning Private Homes into Council Houses?

Author: Tom Spencer

Pull Quote: Most CapX readers will know well that there is no solution to our housing crisis that doesn’t involve pretty serious planning reform. A bigger supply of homes is not just about a long-term stabilisation in prices, but also giving more options to renters and, in so doing, more bargaining power with their would-be landlords.

Featured: Tom Spencer (London Chapter)

24 July 2023

Publication: News of Orange 

Title: Local Focus: Hughes Hones Plans For Public Work

Author: Dale Edwards

Pull Quote: “I found my purpose is in local government,” said Hughes, who is one of very few openly gay, African Americans in politics. “You can see the impact you’re making, sometimes immediately. If you go into the state legislature — especially the legislature today — I don’t think you see that. You don’t see the progress. You don’t see as many people who are there for the right reasons. You don’t get to readily interact with your constituents.”

Featured: Matt Hughes (Raleigh Chapter)

Upcoming Podcast Episodes

  • Podcast on NY Housing Politics with Alex Armlovic (Niskanen) and Rachel Fee (The NYHC)

  • Jonathan Chait on the state of the 2024 race

Calling new leads!

Do you have five hours per week, and a desire to advocate for pragmatic liberalism in your local community? We’re looking to help you start a chapter in your community, help run one of our existing chapters or take over one of our inactive chapters. If interested, please book a time with our Community Outreach and Training Director, Markose Butler, on his Calendly page. We’re especially targeting the following cities: 

  • Atlanta

  • Boston

  • Cleveland

  • Richmond, Virginia

  • San Diego

  • Sydney