Just Majority is hosting a digital roundtable to discuss the history of the Supreme Court's attack on the administrative state and how the Court’s decisions could make it nearly impossible for Congress to address such crucial issues as climate change, imm
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The Just Majority coalition will begin a series of digital roundtable discussions highlighting the threats posed by a corrupt, partisan Supreme Court. The virtual events will seek to educate the public about the stakes of upcoming Supreme Court cases, the fallout of major past decisions, and trends in decisions from the lower courts.

Next week, the series will kick off with experts from Just Majority coalition partners discussing how the Court could undermine the government’s effectiveness. Can you join us?

event flier

In its next term, the Supreme Court will hear a series of four cases that seek to weaken the administrative agencies that enforce countless critically important federal laws, including laws that ensure our food, medicine, and cars are safe, laws that protect our air and water from pollution, and laws that protect consumers from unfair, deceptive, or abusive practices in the financial markets.


Join Just Majority on August 22 at 2PM ET for a conversation with experts from Public Justice, Student Borrower Protection Center, League of Conservation Voters, and American Constitution Society to discuss the history of this attack on the administrative state, what this term’s cases could mean for its future, and how the Court’s decisions could make it nearly impossible for Congress to address such crucial issues as climate change, immigration, and health care.


See you on the call,

The Team at Demand Justice


The Just Majority coalition includes leading advocates for the environment, consumer protection, reproductive rights, racial justice, gun violence prevention, racial justice, and judicial reform. Earlier this year, the coalition kicked off its Supreme Court accountability campaign with a 20+ stop national bus tour. More information is available at justmajority.org.