NYTimes’ McCarthyite “exposé” carries water for the MAGA right

By Communist Party USA

It’s official: The new Cold War is on—and the New York Times “proves” it by warning of a nefarious Chinese plot to influence U.S. public opinion.

In an article that would have made Joe McCarthy, Roy Cohn, and J. Edgar Hoover green with envy, the Times puts a bullseye on the activity of groups like Code Pink, the People’s Forum, and the Tricontinental Institute and the financial support they supposedly rely on from Neville Roy Singham, a wealthy American with a history of donating to left organizations.


Good morning, revolution! McCarthyism 2.0 edition

By Communist Party USA

White boat owners in Montgomery refuse to accept a Black co-captain's authority, GOP defeated in Ohio anti-abortion referendum, NYTimes promotes McCarthyism, and mailbag.

Key tasks in the struggle for equality

By Eric Brooks

The time is now to get out the vote for 2024.

D.C.’s emergency crime bill must expire

By D.C. Young Communist League

An emergency crime bill passed by the D.C. Council targets Black youth and will only serve to exacerbate mass incarceration and racist police repression.

The Specter podcast: Queer Against Capital

By The Specter podcast

Are the attacks on LGBTQ people a bug or feature of capitalism? How are they related to the assaults on women and people of color?

Indiana CP attends Pride festivals, fights anti-LGBTQ legislation

By Nick Smith

The CP of Indiana participated in local Pride celebrations this year, while joining the fight against anti-LGBTQ legislation in the state house.

Detroit demands: take Cuba off “sponsors of terrorism” list

By Drew Yonker and Madeline Stanczak

Members of the CP in Detroit participated with a solidarity visit, and returned home to help build the local "U.S. hands off Cuba" movement.

Updated! The Marxist Classes

The Marxist Classes slider on the CPUSA homepage and our YouTube playlist are in the process of being updated. Check back periodically and catch up on what you've missed!

New pamphlet available! — Housing for people, not profit! / ¡Vivienda para la gente, no para ganancia!

By CPUSA Political Action Commission

The CPUSA PAC's article on housing is now available in pamphlet form in both English and Spanish!

Go to cpusa.org/pamphlets to help organize the housing movement in your local area. The link to the pamphlet request form is also now featured on the CPUSA.org homepage in the slider at the top.

The East is still red: Chinese socialism in the 21st century

August 20. 11 AM Eastern | 10 AM Central | 8 AM Pacific.

Carlos Martinez, author of The End of the Beginning: Lessons of the Soviet Collapse, will talk about socialism in China, with its progress and challenges.

Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
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