Sign our petition to defend tipped workers in DC

Dear Friend,


We're launching a new campaign to defend tipped workers in DC! Read and sign our petition here.

DC JWJ has teamed up with a variety of advocacy groups, tipped workers, and community organizations to form the?Fair Price Fair Wage Coalition. We are dedicated to fighting back against attempts by the DC Council and the restaurant lobby to dismantle Initiative 82 and harm tipped workers in the process.

Our demands are simple: elimination of junk service fees that do not go 100% to tips for workers, enforcement of the?Attorney General's guidance on consumer protections?for restaurants that do charge fees, and protection of the Initiative 82 wage increase implementation timeline.

We are calling on all DC residents, tipped workers, foodies, voters, high road restaurant owners, and those who want to see all in our community thrive to sign our petition to tell the DC Council that they must respect the will of the voters, and protect our hospitality professionals. Take one minute to join the fight for fair prices and fair wages in the restaurant industry.

If you or someone you know are interested in helping ensure the Fair Price Fair Wage coalition accomplishes our shared goal, please contact us at?[email protected].

In solidarity,

Eduarda Serafim

Solidarity Organizer

DC Jobs With Justice