There is no place for election-denying conspiracy theorists in our democracy. 

ICYMI: Donald Trump was indicted last night for trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election by leading a criminal conspiracy to rob Georgia voters of their voice in our democracy.

This indictment is a win for voting rights and democracy, and strengthens our ability to defend it from its most imminent threat: Donald Trump. 

This should serve as a warning to future anti-voter politicians: the will and voices of Georgia voters cannot be silenced, and there is no place for election-denying conspiracy theorists in our democracy.

Trump will have to answer for his actions in court. But no matter what happens, we’ll have to keep working to undo the damage he’s done. His efforts to undermine our elections have unleashed an unprecedented era of election denial, anti-voter laws, and attacks on our democracy — all in service of delusional attempts to hold onto power by any means necessary.

Fair Fight will continue to be here in Georgia to fight back against this new anti-democratic movement. Your support means we can defend our democracy in Georgia, champion safe and secure elections, and ensure voters can make their voices heard and their votes are counted. If you’re able, please chip in $20 or anything you can to make this critical work possible.

Thank you, 

The Fair Fight Team