Congress is gone on their August recess, so let’s focus on our anniversary events in September!
This week, there are two action items. ACTION ITEM #1 ![]() RSVP and make your plans to come to DC for the Stop Socialism Choose Freedom Rally + other anniversary events on Thursday, September 19, 2019! The sooner we have your RSVP, the better we can plan, and the sooner you make travel plans, the more affordable it will be! There will be a rally with guest speakers like Sens. Ted Cruz and Mike Lee and others, a reception and celebration that evening, and a training OR meeting in the White House the following day, on Friday. We won’t know if we got the meeting in the White House until a week or two before the event, so RSVP now to make sure you get all of the updates! Make sure to check the rally page often, which can be easily found at TeaParty10.com, for the most up to date information!
ACTION ITEM #2 Order your rally t-shirt today! “America will NEVER be a socialist country!” shirts are now available for sale, in women’s and men’s cuts. Get it today, wear it now, and then bring it to DC for the rally in September!
In liberty,
![]() Tea Party Patriots Action operates as a social welfare organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots Action are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. © 2019 Tea Party Patriots Action 80 M St SE, First Floor, Washington, D.C. 20003
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