Censorship and restricting our rights – these are the policies of today’s radical Republican party.
The extreme laws on abortion and reproductive care in Idaho put lives at risk and make medical providers afraid to do their jobs. Now, it’s becoming clear that these bans also restrict what teachers are able to teach and what students are able to learn!
The No Public Funds for Abortion Act makes it illegal for professors at public universities to teach about or even discuss abortion. It’s keeping professors from doing research in their areas of expertise, and has the potential to severely limit the knowledge of a generation of students.
Six Idaho professors and two teachers’ unions are suing the state of Idaho over this disastrous law.
Not only is it a clear violation of their First Amendment rights, and keeping them from being able to do their jobs, limits on the exchange of information have real and dangerous consequences.
Professors now fear incrimination for conducting research on a wide range of topics associated with reproductive health, including maternal mortality. The US has disastrous maternal death rates, and Idaho has already disbanded its maternal mortality review board altogether. Women are dying, and the last thing our communities need is less research on this problem.
Idaho Republicans have no regard for women’s bodily autonomy, or, frankly, for whether they live or die. They’re censoring information and interfering in far too many aspects of our lives – our classrooms, our doctor’s offices.
It’s high time we stop them.
I’m running for Congress to protect reproductive freedom and for free exchanges of ideas everywhere. America needs a strong Democratic majority in Congress to codify the right to an abortion and lift all restrictions on educators.
I need you with me to get it done. Please, pitch in to my campaign today. Your donation goes directly to my efforts to reach every voter and FLIP ID-02. I can’t do this without you.
I stand with these educators who are speaking up for their rights to free speech, and for their responsibility to teach students honestly and comprehensively, and prepare them for their future careers.
Together, we will restore reproductive justice and educational freedom for this country.
David Roth