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Convention of States Foundation, our sister organization, just held a Simulated Article V Convention, and it was a smashing success! 

While this is a strong indicator of the momentum we are building as a movement, now is not the time to rest.

In fact, we’re harnessing the energy that has stirred legislators from across the nation, and as we head into the final months of 2023, our focus is clear: End this year as the strongest force for liberty!

We believe in the power of your input, which is why we’re reaching out to you with a unique opportunity. 

John, we want to know where you think our efforts should be concentrated as we charge forward in the coming weeks and months. Please take a moment to participate in our brief survey and let us know which of these initiatives you would like to see us prioritize the most:

  • Convention of States University (COSU): Investing in the expansion of COSU curriculum to equip leaders and volunteer activists with essential training and skills for the battle ahead.

  • Social Media Warrior Program: Expanding our social media outreach with a dedicated team of committed Social Media Warriors to amplify our message.

  • Local and State Events: Increasing COS’ presence at local county fairs, gun shows, home shows, conventions and conferences with COS representatives available to present and answer questions in person.  

  • Advertising and Promotion: Building awareness and spreading the word about Convention of States to recruit new activists into the largest grassroots army in America. 

  • Emerging Leaders Program: Cultivating the next generation of young, self-governing leaders, and developing their skills, including effective communication, strategic thinking, coalition building, policy analysis, and advocacy techniques.

  • Expanded Scope of Grassroots Work: Deploying our trained activists to lobby state legislators to pass the COS Resolution along with other pieces of critical legislation, like election integrity bills, banning child mutilation, securing our southern border, and addressing other threats to our liberty and way of life.

  • Surpassing 2.5 MILLION Petition Signers: Reaching 2.5 Million petition signers makes the COS petition one of the most popular petitions in America and gives us the gravitas to call more attention to the fact that We the People are coming to take our country back!
Your voice matters. Take the survey now and help shape our strategies and priorities, ensuring that we channel our resources into areas that align with your passion and our shared vision.
Forging toward a brighter future,

-  Mark 

Mark Meckler
COS Action
Convention of States Action
5850 San Felipe Street  Suite 580A, Houston, TX 77057

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