Legislative session is moving quickly No images? Click here When you become a member in the next 48 hours your membership will be TRIPLE-MATCHED! John, This weekend a generous donor has offered to triple your membership contribution. A $5 membership contribution becomes $15 or $100 becomes $300. That is three times the impact for supporting environmental champions and moving forward environmental progress in 2020. The last few years voters have overwhelmingly shown that they want leaders who will take action for the environment. Now we need to support these leaders before legislative session ends to reduce climate pollution and protect habitats like Puget Sound for decades to come. We have to keep building and for that we need your help. The 2020 legislative session is moving quickly and there is the possibility of accomplishing big things for Washington’s environment. With your help we’re going to keep pushing to protect every Washingtonian’s right to clean air and water, and a future that includes a healthy environment. And that starts with you. There is no better time than now to become a member with the triple-match opportunity that we have this weekend. Your contribution today will go three times as far to protect our environment and communities. Thank you, Griffin Griffin Smith |