John, I hate to give you bad news, but this is urgent.
I just got off the phone with my team, and we must raise $10,285 by midnight tonight if we’re going to meet our mid-month fundraising goal.
Right now, this race is at a critical point, and we need all hands on deck.
The Left is doing everything it can to try and rewrite what it means to be an American - and they’re starting with trying to unseat me with a far-Left activist whose #1 goal is taking away your rights.
And the worst part is, with the kind of money they’re raising, they just might be successful.
I know you get a lot of emails, but the Senate could come down to Missouri, and there’s no room to miss a single deadline.
I’m asking you one final time: can you pitch in before MIDNIGHT TONIGHT and help us meet our mid-month deadline? |