URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Trees are CRASHING to the ground in the Amazon and Indonesian rainforests! Tell BlackRock to STOP funding deforestation! >>
Once the trees come tumbling down, these once vibrant ecosystems teeming with life are turned into endless stretches of corporate plantations. All this destruction so that a few greedy companies can turn a profit.
Indigenous communities have stewarded some of the world’s last standing forests for generations and are leading the effort to protect them. But greedy companies are VIOLENTLY EXPELLING Indigenous Peoples from their land – and BlackRock’s investments support some of the worst offenders. Act now before more forests are DESTROYED: tell BlackRock to stop funding deforestation by greedy companies! >>
$10 TRILLION – that’s how much money BlackRock holds in assets. If you were in BlackRock’s shoes, where would you put that money? What type of companies would you support? Corporations that are tearing down precious ecosystems and committing human rights abuses?
The very last of the great rainforests on Earth are disappearing – and fast! BlackRock could help put an end to this destruction. Instead, it’s funding companies perpetrating these abuses. Your action could push BlackRock to change and help SAVE rainforests! Please sign by 11:59pm TONIGHT!
Standing with you,
Gaurav Madan
Senior Forests and Lands Campaigner,
Friends of the Earth