John, former President Donald Trump has just been indicted… AGAIN. A grand jury of everyday Americans just indicted him on thirteen counts for his brazen attempt to overthrow the 2020 election. [1]
I’m writing to you from Georgia, where voters are still paying the price of Trump’s Big Lie and the extremist anti-voter legislation it provoked. And, I’m hoping that Common Cause members like you across the country can join us in protecting the right to vote for all.
Now, as Donald Trump faces his FOURTH indictment, we must hold firm against ANY attempts to interfere with the rule of law. Add your name if you agree!
Here’s why your voice matters right now: already, Trump-aligned extremists have shown they’ll target anyone who refutes his lies or tries to hold the former President accountable. And, what’s happened here in Georgia should be a cautionary tale for the rest of the country.
District Attorney Fani Willis, who brought this case, has already faced threats, racism, and even attempts to overrule the voters who elected her by removing her from office! And she’s not alone – election officials in Georgia and nationwide have received similar abuse simply for doing their jobs.
But here’s the simple fact: when Trump demanded that Georgia’s Secretary of State “find” enough votes to overturn President Joe Biden’s victory, he was trying to place himself above the law – as were the insurrectionists who attacked the U.S. Capitol just four days later.
So while this indictment is just the beginning of what might be a long process in the courts – and while an indictment is not a conviction – it’s a hugely important signal NO ONE is above the law. And that’s a principle I hope every American can join me in celebrating.
Donald Trump must answer for his attempt to steal away our most sacred right – the right to vote. Join us in sending a clear message that Donald Trump is not above the law.
Georgians like me are still reeling from the baseless attacks made on our elections system – attacks designed to sow distrust and confusion about our elections. This indictment proves no one is above the law – not even the former president.
Renewing voters’ faith in our system starts with holding those who spread election lies accountable to the facts – and the rule of law.
I’m glad to have you with us,
Aunna Dennis, Executive Director of Common Cause Georgia
and the team at Common Cause