Our animated series Fueling a Freer Future is focused on reconsidering the hysteria over energy policy and climate alarmism. Our latest video looks at other examples of the danger posed by elevating the concerns of politically connected scientists over the rights of citizens.
The promoters of a green political agenda often wrap themselves in the mantle of "science" to justify their calls for greater state intervention. One of the most notorious examples is Paul and Anne Ehrlich, the authors of The Population Bomb. Celebrated by environmentalists, the book sparked concerns about overpopulation that inspired horrific government action, such as China's one-child policy.
Catch up on the entire Fueling a Freer Future series by clicking here.
For more animated content like this, check out our past series, including Economics for Beginners, What Has Government Done To Our Money?, and America: From Republic to Empire.
This project is made possible thanks to the generosity of Jim Kluttz.