The Maine Department of Marine Resources announces the following rule-making adoptions related to striped bass:
Both of these rulemakings incorporate existing measures which were adopted earlier in the year via emergency rulemaking. This includes the 31-inch maximum size limit, which was implemented via emergency rulemaking on May 18, and expansion of an existing area on the Saco River closed to fishing, which was implemented via emergency rulemaking on June 10. Below is a summary of the adopted regulations.? _________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 42: CHANGES IN STRIPED BASS SLOT LIMIT Brief Summary: On May 18, 2023, DMR adopted an emergency rule to come into compliance with the Atlantic Striped Bass Fishery Management Plan at the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC). DMR is adopting the change to the striped bass slot limit as part of its regular rules. This rule implements a 31-inch maximum size limit in the striped bass recreational fishery. As a result, it is unlawful to take or possess striped bass unless they are between 28-inches and 31-inches, inclusive. This action ensures continued compliance with the ASMFC fishery management plan.
_________________________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 55: FISHING IN THE SACO RIVER Brief Summary: On June 10, 2023, DMR adopted an emergency rule to expand an existing area on the Saco River closed to fishing. DMR is adopting this same rule as regular rule-making. Consistent with the emergency rule, this rule modifies Maine?s Gear Restriction Regulation, Chapter 55.99 to close the waters of the Saco River upstream of the Route 9/Main Street bridge between Factory Island, Saco and Mechanics Park, Biddeford, to the head of tide. This is necessary to prevent high levels of catch and release mortality observed this season and which negatively impacts the striped bass resource.
? For questions on striped bass fishery management, please contact Megan Ware at 207.446.0932 or [email protected]?