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Can Washington pivot from its maximalist aims in Ukraine?

By Branko Marcetic on Aug 14, 2023 03:00 am

Biden may have to shift to a plan B, but can he do it after insisting the freedom of the global world order is at stake?
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Why the Black Sea is becoming ground zero in the Ukraine War

By Peter Rutland on Aug 14, 2023 03:00 am

Kyiv's counteroffensive efforts have focused on cutting Russia off from Crimea, while the grain export deal continues to falter.
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How US media builds public support for confrontation with China

By Ben Armbruster on Aug 11, 2023 02:17 pm

A recent NBC Nightly News threat hyping segment exemplifies the fourth estate’s complicity in a march to a new cold war with Beijing.
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Hawks hurl lies over Iran prisoner swap but can’t hide this truth

By Eldar Mamedov on Aug 11, 2023 07:14 am

That in this case — and possibly others — diplomacy can work.
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A security pact with Saudi Arabia would be a disaster for US interests

By Daniel Larison on Aug 11, 2023 03:00 am

For one, desperately giving into demands will mean that the Kingdom — and Israel — will soon be asking for more.
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What will Congress do with Biden’s new Ukraine aid request?

By William Hartung on Aug 10, 2023 05:36 pm

Lawmakers will likely want to pile on more money for the Pentagon and place conditions on the weapons portion — $13 billion — for the aid.
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