Dear John,
These days I often have trouble sleeping, and I wonder if you do too.
After I put my daughter to bed I think about her future, and I hope that she will have the opportunities to do and be everything she wants to be. I worry about being a good mom, and a good role model. I think about my job as an attorney, and doing the best I can for my clients who have put their trust in me, and I think about doing all I can for my constituents as a member of City Council.
I'll bet you worry, or at least think, about similar things - your children, your family, your job, and the future.
I believe that government should be an institution that gives us a sense of security and hope. We want to believe that our elected leaders are doing their level best to expand our rights, keep our country safe, and create a world where our children have more and better opportunities.
Unfortunately, that isn't always the case. too often elected leaders, like my opponent Scott Perry, are the source of our anxiety and not a partner in solving the problems we all face.
That's why I'm running for Congress. I want to play an active role in creating that world, and in addressing the things that keep all of us up at night.
Tonight, I'm reaching out to you let you know that if you're worried about those things, you aren't alone. I'm also writing to remind you to have hope. We can create the world we want and the one our children deserve, but we can only do that together.
If you're like me, and dedicated to the same goals, I'm asking you to do two things:
1. We want to know what's keeping you up at night. Complete our survey to tell my campaign and I about the issues that matter most to you. You can take the survey HERE.
2. Join our team and support the campaign with a contribution (CLICK HERE to donate now). Unfortunately, winning campaigns is expensive, but if we don't win, we can't create the change we want to see in the world.
Thank you for taking the time to read my message tonight, and thank you in advance for taking our survey and making a contribution to our campaign.
Now, go get a good night's sleep and rest a little easier knowing that together we can create the better world we dream about.
Sweet dreams,